Migrating to Wordpress


Migrating to Wordpress

Hey, everyone! I'm migrating my blog to wordpress. All of my writings you've seen here will be available in the new page: yosseandrean.wordpress.com. I've had amazing run with blogger, but to improve my writing and your reading experience I've decided to gamble on thisRead More

Gender Inequality and Its Persistent Power in Indonesia


Gender Inequality and Its Persistent Power in Indonesia

The talk of gender equality has been storming Indonesia's media these past few days, triggered by the death of Yuyun, a junior highschool student who was gang raped and murdered by 14 teenagers. Law makers, experts, and activists appear on Tv talking about whatRead More

How Free Should Free-Speech Be? A Shout Out For Freedom and Critical Thinking


How Free Should Free-Speech Be? A Shout Out For Freedom and Critical Thinking

We are the only species on earth to have enough brain power to invent ideas and to see things from our individual perspectives. That leads to diversity of ideas and opinions in society. As much as there are altruistic ideas, innovative ideas, and lovingRead More

On Human Testimony


On Human Testimony

Human testimony is NOT an evidence. No scientist would take something as the truth because he knows someone said it. Why? Because science acknowledges the frailty of human mind. Science acknowledges the possibility of error in our sensing and information processing capabilities. And alsoRead More

After Paris: To My Moderate Friends


After Paris: To My Moderate Friends

Associated Press AP/Christophe Ena Getty Images/Franck Fife AP/Thibault Camus AP/Anne Sophie Chaisemartin "Indeed you have been ordered to fight the infidel wherever you find him - what are you waiting for? There are weapons and cars available and targets ready to be hit,"Read More

Critique on Capitalism, and Why We Should Support Socialist Movement


Critique on Capitalism, and Why We Should Support Socialist Movement

I'm surprised by the fact that this blog has been up for more than 5 years and not once I've talked about my economic view. I guess it is because I didn't have much interesting conversation about this topic. People are always interested inRead More

Richard Dawkins Conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson


Richard Dawkins Conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson

Two of my most favorite living persons having a chat. Read More