20 facts about me
1. born in Pontianak, September 28th 19912. anak pertama dari 2 bersaudara. i'm the big brother.
3. TK SD SMP Marsudirini Priok, SMA Yakobus Kelapa Gading, Institut Teknologi Bandung
4. hate salty food
5. terlahir dengan kepala lunak. nyokap kira gw bakal jadi anak autis. this has become a family joke. my mom thinks it's funny --'
6. handphone pertama: Nokia 8210
7. i set my wake-up-alarm at 5.20 am. snooze it 6 times and wake up at 6.10. oh come on everybody do that..hehe
8. cita-cita waktu kecil adalah menjadi astronot. silahkan tertawa.
9. my mom used to sell clothes, and dad was a cook. we had our own restaurant back then.
10. pernah bocorin kepala adek gw pake tamagochi. it was an accident
11. you do think that my first name (stefio) is so catchy,huh?LOL. nyokap pertamanya mau kasih nama stefanus tapi dy improvisasi dikit jadi stefio. gw tau gw tau, nama yang aneh
12. gw bukannya takut sama kecoa, cuman jijik. ya ya pasti lu pikir gw cari alesan. haha
13. waktu kecil gw benci bgt sama bibi gw. pernah gw jambak rambutnya, ketarik kan tuh bandonya trus gw lempar ke got. hahaha. we're buddies now.
14. i am pretty good at physics. i think
15. as for mandarin....i suck.. yeah,talk about super suck
16. favourite snack : Saltcheese Cracker. it does say saltcheese but it's not salty.
17. i always bring my cellphone to the bathroom to play some musics. and yes, i sing when i'm taking a bath. who doesn't? LOL
18. when i get really mad i usually punch something. door or wall for example.
19. gw kumpulin tiket2 bioskop yg gw tonton, tulis nama orang2 whom i watched the movie with on the ticket, trus gw tempel di pintu kamar gw.
20. i am a huge converse fan. i have one full set of converse foot wear. shoes, sandals, and socks all original. hahaha... ha.. ha.. it dried my wallet T.T
fiiuh. hope these facts make you get to know me better.
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