Thanks for The Award, Net!

6:55 AM Stefio Yosse Andrean 0 Comments

Hello readers!

Sorry it took so long for me to post anything. Let me explain first, okay?
It's been a hectic week for me in the campus. I am currently in this new member initiation program of my major organisation called HMFT (Himpunan Mahasiswa Fisika Teknik) i wouldn't try to translate it cause it would sound weird :p, and they gave us so many assignments to do. We have to take a picture with 60 of our friends IN EACH OF THEIR PLACES, can you imagine that? It took two whole days to get it done, it was so tiring. Well that's only one assignments, there are like tons of other assignments and i dont think i can tell you all (not to mention the academic assignments). And on top of all that, i am already having academic tests. Yeah that's how you live in my campus. The second year just started for like 3 weeks and we're already having tests.

So, am i forgiven? :)

Big thanks to Neta for the award you gave me (This is my first time receiving any award!). Check out her blog, it got good content. Link on the side bar, go check it out.

So, I'm gonna do what the award told me to do, answering this question. But because the question is in Indonesian so i have to answer it in Indonesian. haha my apologize if you are readers from out of the country. By the way, here it is...

Question : " Menurut Anda apakah yang dimaksud blogger sejati ? "

Answer: Menurut gw blogger sejati itu yang sadar bahwa blognya dibaca orang banyak. Maksud gw, blogger harus sadar akan content dalam blognya, pantas tidaknya dipost, akan menyinggung atau tidak, blablabla, ga asal curhat doang. Seperti yang tadi gw bilang, harus sadar kalo yang baca blog tuh orang banyak jadi sebisa mungkin buat tulisan semenarik mungkin, bukan buat konsumsi pribadi aja.

So that's it guys. Gotta go.

you're smellin' what i'm smellin'? cause i smell holiday. :)