
7:45 AM Stefio Yosse Andrean 0 Comments

If I don’t give a damn

Why am I keep asking in my mind “where did she go?” “was she with someone?” “is she gonna be back?”

If I don’t care

Why am I wondering who is it you’re texting every time you touch your phone?

If I’m over you

Why do I have this feeling like someone punch me in the stomach every time our eyes cross?

If time heals what’s broken

Then why am I still this pathetic when you’re around?




*sigh* this is my first time to write something this personal in this blog. Sorry guys, usually I don’t talk about stuffs like this even with my closest friends. But this time, it’s just too much for me to take it myself, so I use you readers.

bah i’m just being too sentimental tonight