Book Review: Life of Pi

7:02 AM Stefio Yosse Andrean 0 Comments

Life of PiLife of Pi by Yann Martel
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It's such a hard decision to rate this book. In general, i like this book, really. It's just too bad that when it gets to the middle it's kinda flat.

I learned something(s) from the book. I used to hate religions, i thought religions are not God's words but merely just a human's prediction about God's mind. And yet people are still so fanatic about their religion which only creates conflicts. But this book teaches me that religions are simply ways to love God. Thanks, Pi.

I want to give this book more star, i really do. It is a very good book, and i would recommended it to anyone. But i gotta be honest, i didn't really enjoy the middle part which is most of the books because it was just flat.

"It is important in life to end things the way they should. It's the only way so we can let it go. If they don't, out hearts would be burdened by regrets, by the words that are meant to be said, but never be spoken"

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