Why So Serious?

3:10 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I saw my own blog, and woo i realized the recent posts were so dark and gloomy. People are gonna think i'm an emo if this keeps on. Ok, let's fix that. Now i'm gonna talk about one of the stuff i like.

I am a big fan of the Batman franchise. I wouldn't go as far as to say "huge" fan cause if compared to the comics and action figures collector i would look like nothing. But still, i have a huge excitement  towards it.

It may sound weird but the main reason i love the franchise is not the hero-Batman, but these guys...

Yes, the VILLAINS.

Only Batman have this variety of villains. The puzzle freak Riddler, plant lover Ivy, ex-DA Twoface. And they're not there just like that, they come from a solid backstory that explains why they became villains.

And among them, my super-duper-most- favorite character of all time is...of course

Who says you need a superpower to be a villain? No, all you need is just make-up, a plan, and a freaking twisted mind.

"Tell me, Bats, what are you really afraid of? Not being able to save this cesspool of a city? Not getting to the commissioner in time? Me, in a thong?!"

He's got some sense of humor. That's why i fave him.haha.

Do you sometimes cheer for the bad guys when you see a movie? Haha i always wanted the Joker to win.
I have a framed Joker poster in my room in Jakarta, but since i am in Bandung right now i can't show it you. How i wish i can show you, the thing about having a poster is you can't take them out in a walk to show-off to your friends.haha.

And how can you forget the ladies?
Ivy, Catwoman, and Quinn

I maybe a nerd but i'm also a man. hahaha.

come to think about it, it doesn't really help with making this blog less gloomy if i talk about villains, does it?