What Is Truth?

8:24 AM Unknown 4 Comments

This one night I was hanging out with my friends, we got into this talk about religion and stuff. And that conversation made me want to write this post.

I no longer put my faith in what people call religion. It might be common to see my kinda thinking in other country but in mine i find it difficult to explain my choice in this matter, it's even more difficult to find one who has the same kind of mind as mine. So maybe, i hope through this writing i can give you an insight of my mind.

Seeing back the past years I realize the biggest change in me is related to my faith in religion. I was born as a Catholic because my parents are Catholics, my Mom has a very strong Catholic beliefs. Up until highschool, I could say that I was a religious person. I went to church though not every Sunday, and I prayed a lot. I was raised in a religious Catholic family, i went to Catholic elementary, junior and senior highschool.

When I start college in my 18 and I moved out of the city, being in a new society and all, meeting new people from other cultures and beliefs, seeing new ways of people living their lives, that's when i started to question things. I saw people do things in different ways, and yet all believe what they did is the truest. Then what is truth?

"Gw percaya ga ada yang namanya kebenaran yang paling benar, kebenaran yang paling tinggi, kebenaran absolut. Yang ada cuma kebenaran yang lu pegang. Dan gw ga memilih agama sebagai kebenaran gw."

I think the biggest turning point of my religious view is this day when i went back home to the city i was raised because the college is off for holidays. I was hanging out with my highschool friend and somehow we got into this God-ly conversation. He was Christian and he stated that no matter how much good deeds you do in life, if you don't take Jesus as God, then God won't accept you in heaven. It's written in the bible, he said. I found his statement ridiculously wrong. I couldn't agree. Cause I saw people in different religions live way holier than me or him, men whose existence gave more good things to others than me or him, and he's telling me they can't see heaven just because they have different religions. Sorry, but i can't accept that. If God is that small minded, I don't want to praise God.

I don't believe in bible. I don't believe bible is the words of God. I hate people using the book to justify their actions. Suicide bombings, men hit airplanes to buildings, homophobics, massacres, killings, and wars...and judging people of their worthy to enter heaven just because "it's written in the bible!". I want to shoot them. It's just goddamn ink on papers!

As much as I disbelieve religion and, you may say, i hate it, it doesn't mean i disrespect religious people. I know a lot of religious people from various religions live in peace and love in their own ways. It's the closed minded religious people i hate. Know the difference.

 Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Dalai Lama. They are religious people and I look up to them and their ways.

Religion is like alcohol. It can give you peace, but if you had too much, you're gonna have a problem. So I choose not to put my faith in religion and find my peace somewhere else. I still drink beers though.haha

So it comes to the ultimate question, do I believe in God? I'm still looking for the answer my self. :)


  1. Yes, religion is somewhat people made, and every single things people's made has lack on it. That's why I never confound my faith with religion. I believe on what my common sense agree. For me, the alcohol illustration is somewhat people's problem. There are so many things that humans don't know yet they pretend and tend to know everything based on their limited knowledge or their narrow faith. They will blindly go for everything that they think is right, that's why i think the one who have problem is people itself because they're just humans.

  2. Is the friend you mentioned above Krisna? He said the same thing to me too haha. I'm with you. Religions narrowed people minds.

    You must have read Life Of Pi. Martel said "Religion is darkness", why do people depend on something unsure like religion? How can they believe that their bibles are true since it's made also by human?? Biblical literalists are even worse.

    You know, my mom always force me to believe what I don't want to believe. I proudly say to everyone I'm an agnostic and my mom gets very angry about it. Some friends said I should be sorry for myself for only having a logical mind, but not a peaceful heart.

    We should hang out, se!

    1. Oh hey! Didn't expect to find you here.haha

      Yes! He and some dudes.haha I have, like a year ago. Yeah that's what's cool about religion. The doctrines. They fed you up with it since you're a child then you grow up believing in it. Only a few able to find the voice to question it, and most find no answer. So they bail out. Like I did.

      Well, like i said in the post, we can find peace somewhere else.haha

      You know what atheists say to agnostics? Agnostics are atheists without balls. They basically don't believe in god but just don't have the guts to say so.hahaha

      That we should. Come to Bandung then!
