Life Shouldn't be Measured on The Quantity
Tony Nicklinson, 58, was a man from UK who suffered from Locked-in Syndrome. It is a condition where a person's brain is active but the body is not, which means he is awake and aware but cannot move due to the muscle paralysis. He was literally locked inside his body, and he wanted to die, obviously, but doesn't have the ability to take his own life. And without help, he will be forced to live in a constant pain of stress inside the prison which is his own body.
Tony, before and after the disease
He described his life as the following quote “My life following my stroke is undignified, distressing and intolerable."
Tony appealed to the High Court for the allowance of assisted suicide. Meaning, he was asking for a doctor to help him die. And the reason i'm talking about this is that the Court didn't give him the permission to die.
And not long while ago, Tony died of starvation. One of the only legal way to kill yourself. He had to starve himself to die because no doctor would help him because it's 'illegal'.
Before his death, Lauren, Tony's daughter said that the family would keep fighting for allowance of her father's pain-free and peaceful death. "Why should he have to starve himself to death when he could go (die) in a safe home with people that love him?", she said.
"Life should not be measured on the quantity, it should be the quality of life. Life should be about quality and happiness, not just for the sake of it."
Tony's family had supported him in his quest to die, and I believe they do that because they love him. If you look into your loved one living in this form of torture, then maybe to die a dignified death is better than life.
Ironically, we give a DOG with cancer more dignity than we give a person.
Ironically, we give a DOG with cancer more dignity than we give a person.
It makes me feel sick that a person has to die a slow and agonizing death, the worst way possible to go out, because some people from the higher-ups didn't have the guts to say hey, let's change the law and help this guy end his suffering.
I know there will be people saying ending your life is wrong, but how can you empathize with him when you never feel living under constant pain trapped inside your own body and can't do a thing, and say that he should live the rest of his time in that miserable life of torture. And anyway, why should we allow some people with their law to jump in and say what we should do or what we shouldn't do with our lives.
If I am with such illness that gives me constant pain and people would have to take care of me on daily basis and costs them much in terms of money and time, i would want to kill my self too. I don't want them to waste their life on my already-wasted life. Why am I not allowed to pull my plug for the better of me and everyone I love? If we have the right to live, so why not the right to die? I know I sound scary cause i'd be like saying everyone should have an off button. But it is a button we have the right to push, not anyone else, not some law, not some dogma from some religion, but we. Cause sometimes the hard choice is the right one.
If I am with such illness that gives me constant pain and people would have to take care of me on daily basis and costs them much in terms of money and time, i would want to kill my self too. I don't want them to waste their life on my already-wasted life. Why am I not allowed to pull my plug for the better of me and everyone I love? If we have the right to live, so why not the right to die? I know I sound scary cause i'd be like saying everyone should have an off button. But it is a button we have the right to push, not anyone else, not some law, not some dogma from some religion, but we. Cause sometimes the hard choice is the right one.
I know this topic would lead into endless discussion because religion would get involved and everything get messy. I am not much of a believer. I don't believe in god. But believe me, I wish there is god so he can come down and stop this senselessness. So that no one would have to die the same way.
If there is any silver lining of this is Tony doesn't have to deal with his daily pain and torture anymore.
Rest in peace, Mr Nicklinson.