Charleston Shooting
A sad news came last week.A man, 21, entered the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina and shot the people there during a weekly Bible study meeting. Nine lives were lost.
I apologize first hand that I will not talk about all the reason for this act. It is gun control. It is racism. It is hate. It is extremist indoctrination. But I'm sorry, I will not talk about that.
I want to talk about the comments that people make on the internet and on conversation about this shooting.
"If a Muslim did this, it would be front-page news."
"Nine Christian people dead, everybody's hype about it. If Muslims dead nobody gives a shit."
"This won't happen if they teach Islamic values instead of Christian."
I just don't get it...
How can a person see this and use it as a marketing material for their faith.
People were shot to dead and somehow they use this for an excuse to be whiny because they think somehow they didn't get enough media attention (a silly assumption in the first place).
And this is coming from people who holds the same degree as me.
A white man shot 9 black people...
A white man shot 9 black people.
A Hindu shot 9 Muslims.
A straight male shot 9 homosexuals.
An atheist shot 9 Christians.
xxx shot 9 xxx's.
You can change the shooter and the victim with any other words of faith, race, nationality, whatever.
And it is still a sad news.
This is not a competition of who has more dead people.
This is people dying for stupid reasons.
This is not about colors, or symbols, or who gets the spotlight.
This is people dying because some other people believe in stupid idea.
If only they can see that it is exactly that kind of thinking that we are somehow separated by our colors, our faiths, or where we came from that makes this tragedy happen in the first place.
This is not the first time it happens, and it will happen again, unless we stop thinking like this.
Unless we start feeling upset when we see someone being killed regardless of the group he's in.
Again, I'm sorry for making this personal. I should talk about the case more in-depth, but now I'm complaining about ignorant people on my half of the world.
I'm sorry.
I'm just a little angry.