A Song of Ice and Fire
This time I wanna write you about this fantasy/novel/series that I have been following: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. Widely known because of the novel adaptation series Game of Thrones.The story revolves around the struggle for power over the Iron Throne of Westeros. After the late king's death, numbers of highborn lords claim themselves the rightful king. And as the conflict for the throne occurs, the immense magical power is waiting to wake in the north.
You will be amazed by how rich the fantasy setting is. This is the only fantasy, as far as I know, that gives the reader a very detailed world and story. Martin really gives attention to detail, he provides history centuries before the story's timeline, hundreds (maybe thousand!) of named characters, he even created religion systems! This guy really gave a hundred and ten percent in his work.
What makes this fantasy so special is that you cannot point a finger to a character and say he's bad or he's good. Martin gives you perspective of different character in every chapter in his books. And in those chapters he shows you the person's viewpoint, how the person thinks, what makes them do what they do. Maybe the evilest character that you find in first meeting has reasons that you can accept. I think there is no pure protagonist and pure antagonist in the story, no good and evil side. You are given a world where you sit as a spectator and let the characters play their role. You may take side and cheer on some, of course, but there is no character without flaw.
Tyrion Lannister - equipped with words, he is one of the most badass character
What I like from following this fantasy is when you share the story with friends. Just to share what you think about the plot, about the characters, what you think the story would go. It is because of A Song of Ice and Fire that I can fully experience being a nerd. You know, to be absorbed in something and feel no shame about it.
You may find it weird that people like me love fantasy novel, I can understand. If you know me then you would have known that I put logic and rationality in a very high ground in my mind. No, I don't believe in fairy tales. But I believe that to submit all your faith into science is not healthy for the soul. Life is full of mysteries that science cannot answer. And only by accepting those mysteries that we are able to find its beauty. I choose to have some space in my brain for fantasy, where dragons roam the sky and magic spells work. It feels nice to have that.