Gay Marriage and What I Think

8:57 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Yesterday, May 14th 2013, Minnesota has become the 12th US state to legalize gay marriage, following Rhode Island, and Delaware as one of three states of US to legalize same-sex marriage in the last couple of weeks. France, Brazil, New Zealand, or some other parts of the world that I didn't know had done the same this year. The world is on the move.

Yeah I support same-sex marriage. I don't get why people have to against that. I don't get why people have to hate gay people. The only thing different about them is their sexual preference, of which they didn't choose. And I fuckin' hate people who hate people for something they didn't choose.

Let's look back in history. For years, centuries, human have been fighting for equality. Women speaking for emancipation, free the slaves, feed the hungry in Africa cause they have the same rights, and so on, but I think we miss one. Some of us miss one. The equality of freedom to love.

This may sound cheesy especially for me to say this, but let me ask you, have you ever love someone? Have you ever feel so happy just being with the one you love? If you have, then how could you, HOW COULD YOU, deny anyone the rights to have that?

Oh I know some would argue that marriage is created to handle reproduction cause you know, man and man can't make children. Let me make one more point here, marriage is NOT for the sole purpose of reproduction. If you really believe that, then seniors shouldn't be allowed to marry, or infertile couples, or those who don't plan to have children. Which brings me to my next question. Why do we have marriage in the first place? We don't marry to have kids. We marry to prove our commitment with our beloved. To show to the world that this is the person you wanna be with. So why are we not allowing those couples who truly are committed to one another in life to have equal rights to show the world that they are, to have their love recognized by way of a marriage?

I am also concerned about the bullying towards gay people, and I know some people use very evil words to hurt gays, they go even as far as physically hurt them. I read a news once saying a teenage girl killed herself just because her friends mocked her of being gay. It sickens me that someone has to die of this. I am familiar with bullying in my elementary and junior high school and it happened only because of the color of my skin and the shape of my eyes, so I know how it feels to be judged over something you are born with. And until this moment I still hate it. I don't hate being me. I hate being judged by being me.

"I'm straight but I believe in equality and human rights" How I love that :)

Actually I really don't wanna talk about religion here, but how can I not? The bible says it is wrong, it is sin, it is abomination, yeah yeah I get it. Keep your religion, if it makes you happy. But don't try to control other people's lives with your belief. Your religion is not for everyone. It's just stupid how people use their religion as a weapon to hate and judge others. You know what, that is the reason the world is still on war over religion.

Senator Latz spoke on the floor in favor of the bill.

To people of Minnesota, Brazil, France, New Zealand congratulations on your victory after a long fight for equality. I hope the rest of the world will soon see you as example of equality and human rights.

I'm straight, by the way..