The Complaint List

7:56 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I know I know, I've been off for months, I have nothing in my mind to make up a good excuse, I'm just a lazy ass writer. Fuck me! Now let's get things started!

I've been thinking about what I should write on this comeback, you know, like some wise shits, reviewing cases, talk about weather (which is pretty fucked up here and everywhere else in the world), but fuck that! I just want to complain about shits, I want to roast people! So I made this list here, I call it the Complain List.

 The Complaint List
Hate, distrust, and all the negative feelings

1. To the love-birds showing their passion and teenage hormonal reaction in social media. I really hope your "other half" is fucking your best friend right now, and you would find out, and and get your heart smothered to pieces, and cry, and think about suicide.
2. To the self-help book reader. If you think you can get help by nice words from some guy who pretends to know your problem and have the solution and written it in books sold commercially, good luck.
3. To every parents who tell their children what major to take, what god to worship, whom not to date, when to marry. Stop it. That's not love, that's slavery. We are your children, but we are not yours.
4. To every children who think "obeying your parent is a child's duty" and talk about it like it's a noble thing to do. If you enjoy being slave that's your right, but don't judge me on being free. Tips: treat your parents words like an advice, not a command. You're not a robot.
5. To people that try to "save me from abomination" by recruiting me into their religion . Well, Jesus and Muhammad were just two very good salesmen, and Buddha is an old fat fuck. I am going to hell in two religion and be reincarnated as a cockroach in one. What you gonna say?
6. To those who say "I don't like Game of Thrones". You have 5 seconds to take that back or we can stop being friends.
7. To the celebrities running to be people's representatives in the upcoming election. I will not be represented by people whose stupidity is beyond the level that I can tolerate. So save yourselves some dignity and fucking quit.
8. To people who update or tweet 10 times a day. Nobody cares about your life. You hardly even have one.
9. To news anchor who says "Here's some tweets" in a TV news show. You should be ashamed of making tweets actually matter, really. They could come from uninformed teenagers taking their shits, and you read them to the world! Tweets don't matter, they're irrelevant. Period.
10. To the Christian fellows who wear gold cross necklace and showing it so obviously in crowded public transportation. If you get robbed, well...maybe it's His plan. Remember, He works in mysterious way.
11. To the girls who take hundreds of pictures of themselves. You're not beautiful, you just found an angle that makes yourselves look better for a split second.
12. To the homophobes. Worrying so much about what another dudes do with their own genitals is one of the gayest thing to do. So why don't you face the mirror and hate yourself.
13. To girls who say "I'm not racist. I just won't date a guy from a certain race." Let me get this straight, you try not to go out with a guy just because of his skin color, eye shape, and the DNA codes embedded in him before he even was born that he got no choice at, and you're not racist?
14. To rich kids. If you expect me to respect you just because your parents are rich, you're an asshole.
15. To people who think they win an argument with me just because they raised their voice. Shouting doesn't make your argument any truer, it only makes you look stupid.

Damn, that felt good! You know, sometimes you just need to let your hate out every once in a while. Who needs a psychiatry when you have a blog?